High Quality Medical Cable Management and Loss Prevention Solutions

Virtually all the items you will find on our website came about because of a security concern pertaining to cables and sensors within the fast-paced hospital environment. Through collaboration between our customers and Secure Mount Product Development, these problems were quickly and thoroughly designed into solutions. The vast majority of our products use high-grade anodized aluminum with stainless steel fasteners. Our products are easy to clean and disinfect, will last for years, and will deliver an unparalleled return on investment for your facility.

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Cable Management

Cable Tethers

SST Wire Baskets

IV Pole Accessories

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Keep expensive cables and leads more sanitary by keeping them organized with our cable management system and locked down with our wide variety of patented cable tethers.

Less handling = less cleaning = reduced accidents = cost savings.

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Need a Custom Solution?

We will collaborate with you to design, prototype, and manufacture a solution that is cost-effective, simple to implement, and delivers the return on investment needed in today’s challenging economy.


High Quality Medical Cable Management and Loss Prevention Solutions


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Cable Management


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Cable Tethers


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Stainless Steel Wire Baskets


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IV Pole Accessories


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Featured Products

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Keep expensive cables and leads more sanitary by keeping them organized with our cable management system and locked down with our wide variety of patented cable tethers.

Less handling = less cleaning = reduced accidents = cost savings.


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Need a Custom Solution?

[su_row][su_column size=”2/3″ center=”no” class=””]We will collaborate with you to design, prototype, and manufacture a solution that is cost-effective, simple to implement, and delivers the return on investment needed in today’s challenging economy.

[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=””][su_button url=”https://securemount.com/rfq/” style=”flat” background=”#09218b” size=”9″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]Request a Quote[/su_button]

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Need a Custom Solution?

We will collaborate with you to design, prototype, and manufacture a solution that is cost-effective, simple to implement, and delivers the return on investment needed in today’s challenging economy.
Several years ago our department was losing trunk cables, leads, and other cords on our monitors in our Emergency Department and I started looking at options. Our bundle of cables averaged $300.00/ set and was very expensive to replace. We first tried sample cable locks like zip-ties and they just didn't work for multiple reasons including cleaning. I searched and finally found your Secure Mount Cable Tethers and ordered a few on a trial basis. After we installed a few sets on our monitors the nurses all loved them. We slowly implemented them on all our bedside and transport monitors. By doing so the investment of around $60.00 one-time per monitor has saved us thousands of dollars in lost or misplaced cables. We have also shared our success with multiple departments here and many have also changed to this type of cable securement. Thanks again for making a great product.
Michael R. Lovelace
University of Alabama at Birmingham Emergency Department