Subtotal: $59.00
Virtually all the items you will find on our website came about because of a security concern pertaining to cables and sensors within the fast-paced hospital environment. Through collaboration between our customers and Secure Mount Product Development, these problems were quickly and thoroughly designed into solutions. The vast majority of our products use high-grade anodized aluminum with stainless steel fasteners. Our products are easy to clean and disinfect, will last for years, and will deliver an unparalleled return on investment for your facility.
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Keep expensive cables and leads more sanitary by keeping them organized with our cable management system and locked down with our wide variety of patented cable tethers.
Less handling = less cleaning = reduced accidents = cost savings.
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Keep expensive cables and leads more sanitary by keeping them organized with our cable management system and locked down with our wide variety of patented cable tethers.
Less handling = less cleaning = reduced accidents = cost savings.
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[su_row][su_column size=”2/3″ center=”no” class=””]We will collaborate with you to design, prototype, and manufacture a solution that is cost-effective, simple to implement, and delivers the return on investment needed in today’s challenging economy.
[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=””][su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#09218b” size=”9″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]Request a Quote[/su_button]
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